I think both of things helped to inspire me. Reading books by amazing authors is inspiring and motivating at the same time. I read them and I realize I have to elaborate more in some areas and pull back in others. I realize I need to go deeper with the emotions and lighten up on the dialogue at times.
Spending time with my family was important. I didn't allow myself to lose sight of that. There were times when I was so focused, so driven that I didn't even hear them talk to me. My mother would call that "tuning them out". I did that, but then I'd see the look on their faces and quickly snap back into reality. Forcing myself to take those breaks and have fun with the family was a great thing. We had a great time. I laughed, they giggled, my husband rolled his eyes. They giggled some more. Then when they were through and wanted to move onto something else or had hit the hay at the end of the day, I was able to get back to work with a clearer mind. A fresh perspective.
I'm so pleased. I can't even begin to describe how good this feels. I want to keep going. I need to keep going. Brenda knew what I needed and did what she does best...she gave it to me on terms in which I could relate. I love her for that. Now hopefully she'll be sending me just as many of her chapters today. I'm incredibly intrigued with her story and can't wait to read more. Thanks, Bren!
Beth's on a deadline too and from what I've read so far, she's got another great one on her hands. Adventure is her forte and this is that and soooo much more. Root her on. The clock is ticking. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
What are you pleased about today? Tell me something good in your life. Focus on that and let the smile light up your face. It's the little things. Ya know?
SIS Barb aka Elle J Rossi
Hi Barb, Congrats on you book.
I am pleased that someones kind words inspired me to write a poem. It is the little things that count.
Barb, I'm proud of you too!!! :)
I'm pleased at having some new library books to read. :)
Weird. My comment never showed up....
I'm proud of you too!
And I'm pleased to have new library books to read. :)
Oh, NOW it shows up. *rolling eyes*
So proud of you, Barb! I KNEW you'd do it. You were totally focused and motivated. As a bonus you made time for relaxtion/inspiration with books and quality time with family. Well done!
As to things that made me smile today, I'll get back to you on that in a bit. The deadline book beckons...
SIS Beth
Thanks. I sure hope you're going to share that poem with us very soon.
SIS Barb
Thank you so very much! BJ's expertise made it a little easier as well as your encouraging words and Bren's looming deadline her support! The fact that Brandy is now so into reading inspired me to get a move on. I want her to read my "finished" book!
Can't wait to hear what made you smile today.
SIS Barb
Now it ate my comment to you but I'm sure it'll be back eventually. Anyway, thanks for all your encouragement. It helped tremendously! How many books did you check out at the library today? Did you leave any for anyone else?
SIS Barb
Good job Barb!!
What am I happy about today? Pam called and Bobby is doing great!!!
SIS Brandy
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