In the midst of a lovely Thanksgiving and the blur of deadline writing, I completely forgot that today was Friday thus my post day. So... before I rush off for work let me ask you this topical question.
Are you going to brave Black Friday shopping? If so, what is your most sought after item(s). Have a past Black Friday story (nightmare)? Please share!
SIS Beth
Got to a Store on Black Friday? Willingly? Ah, that would be not only no, but HELL NO!
Last year, as a Kodak Rep, I had to be at couple of stores. OMG! I had bruises on my legs from people running into me with their carts..well damn, how was I to know I was standing between them and some hot item? My blouse was ripped by a testy customer who couldn't wait for me to finish with another customer. Barely caught an almost toddler who fell from a cart because her grandmother was too busy arguing over an item with another woman. I shudder to think what would happen if that baby had hit the concrete floor. Then had to deal with an irrate woman who thought I was stealing the baby. And such language. Sheesh!
There were also some good things from my visits, I was super impressed with the employees of the store. God love 'em.
Love Sia's stories and I can't compete with them. I don't do Black Friday. Not. At. All. However, I do love to watch it on TV. There's always some news of injuries or fights and last year I remember someone was trampled to death. Um, people? I really don't think a good sale is worth someone's life.
I think Drama and I are going to try to go to the movies today to see A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Comedy says it looks to scary and is opting to stay home with dad. More popcorn for me!
SIS Barb
Hi Beth, I did Black Friday once with my Mother In Law. I will never do it again. She is one of the ones that pushes people out of the way. It was crazy. I now stay home where it is safe.
You would have to pay me a lot of money to go shopping today. I do most of my shopping online anyway, but going out on Black Friday? No thanks!
No black friday shopping for me!! I don't have patience with crowds at all. I just took the girls for pictures at Sears. It was frustrating just trying to make our way to the protrait studio!!
Holy cow, Sia! That's on heck of a BF story. I could envision the whole thing and... yikes. It seems to get worse every year. I don't get it. It's not even a matter of 'need', just 'want'. Glad you survived to tell the tale!
SIS Beth
Last year's incident where someone, a salesperson actually, got trampled to death happened at a Walmart near where my in-laws live. I was so disgusted and saddened by that news that I swore off all commercialism last year and made everyone cookies and candy (as you tasted) and little recipe cards. And I can't even cook!
So...did you and Drama make it to see the new version of A Christmas Carol? Do tell... or will that be your rec for tomorrow?
SIS Beth
Just wrote an entire post to Barb and Blogger ate it! Grrr.
Let's try again.
In short, that incident where the worker got trampled to death happened at a Wal-mart near my in-laws. I was so disgusted and saddened that I turned away from commercialism last year and made friends and family cookies and candy and little recipe cards. And I don't even cook!
Lastly... so did you see A Christmas Carol???
SIS Beth
I don't believe it. My inital post finally showed. So now I have a double post. Sorry!
BJ, that doesn't sound like your kind of scene at all. Not surprised you're staying away!
Tori, I've been shopping a little on-line, too. Seems the safest way to go!
Brandy, all I can say is: PICTURES PLEASE!
SIS Beth
It was only supposed to be Drama and I for movie day because Scrooge 1 and 2 didn't want to go but at the last minute, and I mean last minute, they changed their mind and then...just as I was about to purchase the tickets they decided they wanted to see Planet 51 instead. I was not happy but completely outnumbered. They all enjoyed the movie however I didn't think it was very good at all. So, no. This particular movie will not be my recommendation.
And I remember the treats you sent us last year. Yum! Feel free to send more at anytime. Maybe you could try your hand at making caramel. It is my favorite!
SIS Barb
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