Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Counting Our Blessings

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Holidays!

SIS is taking a break until Monday, Dec. 28, spending time with friends and family and generally having a jolly old time. Wishing you and yours the happiest of holidays--good health and good cheer.

In the true spirit of Christmas, we're counting our blessings. Won't you join us?

SIS Beth, Bren, BJ/Aleena, Barb/Elle, and Brandy


Sisters-in-Sync said...

I'll go first!

Counting my blessings...

My incredible family (immediate and extended)
My awesome husband, Steve
My adorable dogs--Cheyenne and Nia
My cat--Sadie
My comfortable home
My friends
My good health
My ability to write stories
The readers who read my stories
My supportive agent and editor
My job at the library (and my fab co-workers)

And those are just a few! More to follow in the coming days...

SIS Beth

Fedora said...

You gals are terrific! I'm sorry I haven't been around much recently, but hope I'll have a little more time soon! I'm incredibly thankful for so many things, but topping the list (after all these lovely books and chocolate) are definitely my family and friends. Where would I be without them? ;)

Elle J Rossi said...

Hi Beth and Fedora!

I'm thankful for many things this year but I'll just name a few:

My family (all of them)
My health
My home
My job
My fantastically fabulous friends (online and off)
My desire to write
My books that surround me

Happy holidays to all! See you soon

SIS Barb aka Elle J Rossi

SIS BJ said...

Counting my blessings:

My family
My health
My four legged snd winged friends that visit in Winter
My warm home
My love of poetry
And many more things!!!

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