Thursday, April 1, 2010


Thursday, April 1, 2010
All I can say is good bye.
Please forgive the short notice.
Really sucks that things aren't working out.
I hate to go.
Leaving this blog is so hard.
Forever will I be grateful.
Our chats have been fun.
Of course I will visit.
Lost I will be.
So long.

SIS BJ aka Aleena Ravenwood


Beth Ciotta said...

Uh... Oh, great poetress... What's THAT about? Typing private email . . . NOW.

SIS Beth

SIS Barb said...


Nice poem. It's been great knowing ya! C-ya!!!!

SIS Barb

Beth Ciotta said...

Hmm. Don't know who's more evil. BJ or Barb.

SIS Beth

SIS BJ said...


Barb isn't being evil. She's just letting me know that she will see me this weekend. Of course, that's if I think she is worthy enough to be in my presence.

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Good grief. I can't believe I'm related to you two. ;)

Bummed I can't join you for the weekend as well. Have a mimosa for me!

SIS Beth

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Can't believe it's true
Leaving must be tough.
Every one will miss you.
Very sad you're going.
Enormous tears are flowing.
Really loved your time here.

Sis Bren

SIS BJ said...

Hi Brenda

Thanks for the tears. Very clever on your part as well.

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Barely can believe it
And yet I know it's true.
Rest assured well wishes lie
Beside your every move.

Sis Bren

Chris Behrens said...

Although I hardly knew ya,
I have to say its true,
If there's a SIS, that I would miss
the most, it would be you!

Can I have my award for 'Worst Poetry' now?

Sydney:) said...

Here I am sittin in the middle of keyboarding:) Gettin ready for march madness man is everybody pumped I feel like this is a homecoming game or a pow-wow:) anywho why do I feel like this is a sad april fools joke??

Neice Sydney...

Sisters-in-Sync said...


Bartholomew 45-7. I'M so proud.

Sis Bren

Beth Ciotta said...

As someone who never liked April Fools day even as a kid and never participates, no wonder I didn't get it. What's the SIS version of getting 'punked'? BJ got me!

SIS Beth

Chris Behrens said...

I was pulling for her that she would actually fool more than one person LoL

Alyson Reuben said...

Great April's fools joke!

Seriously, you should share more of your real poetry here on SIS. I can't write a poem to save my life, but I really enjoy reading them!

SIS BJ said...


You get an award for the best brown nosing poem. Thank you!!

SIS BJ said...


Shouldn't you be learning something in keyboarding class. If you look at the first letter in each line and read down there is a message. Brenda's comments have a message as well.

SIS BJ said...


I felt bad for April fooling you. I couldn't let you suffer. Sorry for the scare.

SIS BJ said...

Hi Alyson

I promise I will share more poetry. I am trying to put some together to hopefuly be published.

Alyson Reuben said...

LOL, I thought Chris's brown nosing poem was pretty good actually :)

SIS BJ said...


I thought so as well. I think he should write some more.

Chris Behrens said...


Brown nosing? Moi? And my poem has a message, too...All you do is take the 4th letter in the first line, 5th letter in the second line, 14th letter in the third line and the 16th letter in the last line, which gives you "hehe". Am I clever or what?

Sisters-in-Sync said...


You asked "Am I clever or what?" and my answer to you is or what. Ha! Actuslly, you're pretty funny!

SIS Bren

Tori Lennox said...

I was wondering what was going on and then I remembered what day it was. *g*

Beth Ciotta said...

Don't apologize, BJ. I'm just a wiener. Looks like mostly everyone got it but moi! :) Actually, it was quite clever how the joke actually spells out April Fool using the first letters of your lines. Is that a certain kind of poem?

SIS Beth

Chris Behrens said...

Thank you Alyson and BJ, but we all know my poem was crap :)

Brenda - When I think of a smart ass comeback I'll get back to you. In the meantime, don't hold your breath :P

Chris Behrens said...


If it makes you feel any better, I E-mailed her last week and asked her if she had anything planned. She came up with this pretty much on her own, but I was expecting something.

SIS Brandy said...

OK I am late getting in on this. That's some funny crap. I have to admit I was with Beth. Didn't see the joke - you got me. And how did Brenda see the first letter thing? My brain must be fried!!!

SIS Brandy said...

Oh yeah! It's nice to catch my daughter on here when she's in class!!! I'm gonna have to get on her ;) Well at least she was quicker than her mom, huh?

SIS BJ said...


You are very clever. And yes, your poem was good.

SIS BJ said...


Happy April Fools day!!1

SIS BJ said...


It is called an acrostic poem.

SIS BJ said...

Hi Brandy

Happy to know Beth wasn't the only one who didn't get it.

Get on Sydney for me too. Tell her thanks for stopping by.

Sisters-in-Sync said...


If you read my second poem, you'll see how I figured it out. I had only glanced at the poem when it was revealed to me, so I can't take credit.

SIS Bren

Linda Wisdom said...

Hm, sounds like deathbed drama to me.

So sad.

Who pulled the plug?

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