Friday, April 23, 2010

Convention (not convential) Mania

Friday, April 23, 2010

I’m changing my middle name to ‘Chaos.’ Beth Chaos Ciotta. Yep. Sounds right.

So… this week I’m cramming to prepare for the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention. I leave Tuesday afternoon after a half day of work.

Friday I’m speaking on a workshop panel. As of today, I’m not prepared.

Friday evening I’m appearing in Heather Graham’s musical extravaganza. I need to memorize my lines and blocking. Working on it.

Saturday I have a booksigning at the humongous book fair. Sort of, kind of prepared.

Saturday evening, I am the co-host for the Mr. Romance Competition. I have a partial script. I need to augment and memorize. So not prepared. BUT, I’ve done this before so I know what to expect. That’s something.

Wednesday-Friday there are several workshops that I’d like to attend, but I’m obligated to rehearsals for the aforementioned special event shows. Will squeeze in as much ‘learning’ as possible. All in all next week will be a blur, but . . . I do have my wardrobe and costumes in order. That’s something. I also have an agenda. To network with new industry professionals and to reconnect with old friends. Aside from being a bit nervous about the networking thing, I’m really excited about next week.

I’ve been attending the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention since 1994. RT has been a major and influential part of my writing career. Breaking it down, everything wonderful that has happened for me, all doors opened, came out of RT. More on that next week.

This week I’m scrambling to prepare for the upcoming mania. Did I mention Friday night I have to wear pink tights, a tutu, andsome sort of bizarre Flamingo headdress?

The things I do/have done to garner name/face recognition in order to sell/share my stories.
Speaking of RT, I was invited to participate in the launch of the new RT Book Reviews website! The site launched yesterday. Click here to see my feature!

SIS Beth


~Sia McKye~ said...

Beth, lolol!

Hey, you're a veteran on scripts and such, so I'm sure it will all come off without a hitch--on your part anyway.

I'll be at RT too. This week has been, shall we say nuts? I don't have any panels or musicales or skits to memorize (I haven't done that in several years) but getting things organized here at home, dealing with pneumonia--I caught it in the beginning stages, thankfully, packing, blog stuff, kid stuff, animals stuff...

Now I REALLY have a good reason to attend Heather's ball.

I'll be looking around for you. I'm staying at the Conference hotel.

SIS BJ said...

Hi Beth

Sounds like you are very busy. At least it leads to fun. Hope you have a blast.

Tori Lennox said...

Sounds fun but, um, chaotic! :)

Beth Ciotta said...

Sia, you'll be at RT? How awesome! Yes, please do keep your eye out for me. I'll be the blur running from one rehersal to another. Would love to meet you in person. Is this your first RT?

Good luck wrangling all your stuff. See you soon!

SIS Beth

Beth Ciotta said...

BJ, thanks for the good wishes!

Tori, yes and yes. ;)

SIS Beth

Alyson Reuben said...

Whew, Beth! I thought my schedule was a doozy! But you've got me beat by a long shot! All I can say is you're incredibly talented, not to mention an obvious multi-tasker. I try hard to juggle several things at once, but my one track mind always gets in the way! *sigh*

BTW, I'm going to be interviewing Gwyn Cready (a RITA Award winner) for my blog. I got a chance to meet her yesterday at a book signing. Do you know her? I mentioned your name, and although she says she hasn't met you personally, she's definitely heard of your books! If you get a chance, stop by and check it out.

Elle J Rossi said...


I'm so jealous, I want to wear a headdress! Try to take a few moments to enjoy the experience and the time to catch up with friends. Speaking of friends, please tell my great friend, Heather Graham, I said hello and I promise I will be a lot more cool in person!

SIS Barb aka Elle J Rossi

Sisters-in-Sync said...


Although a busy time, it's sounds like a lot of fun too! Hope you have a great week!

SIS Bren

Beth Ciotta said...

Barb/Elle, in order to wear the headdress, you'd have to wear the tutu, too. If you're up for tat, then you'd definitely fit in to one of Heather's crazy shows. :) Speaking of Heather, I'll pass on your greeting and promise. You have a year to practice being cool. You'll definitely meet her at RWA 2011!

SIS Beth

Beth Ciotta said...


I don't 'know' Gwyn Cready, but I've certainly heard ofher. When are you featuring her on your blog?

Thanks for the kind words! Yes, I'm a multi-tasker, but not a very efficient one. Things ALWAYS fall through the cracks!

SIS Beth

Beth Ciotta said...

Busy, yes, Bren, and sometimes stressful, but always fun! Part of the trhill of attending these conferences is that I actually feel like an author. Not just a library assistant who writes. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but you know what I mean.

SIS Beth

Olga said...

Beth, you busy, busy girl! Have lots of fun at RT! And now I'm curious about all the wonderful things that happened to you at Romantic Times conventions... Have a great trip!

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