Monday, August 2, 2010

The Best Gift

Monday, August 2, 2010

Main Entry: imag·i·na·tion 
Pronunciation: \i-ˌma-jə-ˈnā-shən\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin imagination-, imaginatio, from imaginari
Date: 14th century
1 : the act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality2 a : creative ability b : ability to confront and deal with a problem :resourcefulness  c : the thinking or active mind : interest 
3 a : a creation of the mind; especially : an idealized or poetic creation b :fanciful or empty assumption

The gift of imagination may have been the greatest gift of all. What would children do if not for the ability to escape into a world full of kings and queens, dragons and dungeons, tea parties and stuffed animals that talk?

What would teenagers do without images of a first kiss, a first date, getting a drivers license and getting out of their parents homes?

What would adults do in a world with no creativity, no wonder and no what-ifs? It's the unknown that keeps many of us going day after day. Each day is the same, yet different because we have the ability to escape into a world created within our mind. This world is full of treasure, whether it be the sparkling kind or the kind of miracles. 

If we're lucky enough to have the desire to write, we get the ultimate pleasure of letting our imagination soar, take us to places we've never been and only dreamt of. We get to meet characters, take them out of our mind and introduce them to the rest of the world.

Imagine today. Escape.

SIS Barb aka Elle J Rossi


Mary Jo said...

When I walk into my office each day, I escape into the world I'm creating for my characters. When I read a great book, I fall into the world the author created for her characters. Imagination is a gift and we should encourage it at all levels as it is what helps us many times get through difficult times, problem solve, dream of what we want so we can set new goals...I could go on but now I sound old... :-)

Krys said...

Mary Jo,

You sound old? I beg to differ. You sound...Inspiring and encouraging. Just like most, if not all, of the regular posters on this Blog. Don't ever stop, any of you. :0)

Tori Lennox said...

I daydream every day. I have a rich fantasy life. :)

Elle J Rossi said...

Mary Jo,

I completely agree with Krys (gasp). Without goals/dreams the world would be such a stagnant place. So keep escaping, my friend and I shall do the same.

Elle J Rossi said...


You say the nicest things!

Elle J Rossi said...


Daydreams are some of the best parts of each day!

Mary Jo said...


Thanks for the compliment. Maybe I'll change that descriptive word to wise... :-)

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