So, like I mentioned, I'm in Indiana. It's been great to visit with my family and reminisce. Some memories are good, some are bad, some are hysterical. It is great fun to watch my mother as she sits in disbelief while we are telling of the awful things we did as children that she never knew about. For me, most of my entertaining stories involve my brother.
I think we've mentioned here on our blog that we have a large family. Six girls and one boy. When people hear that, they always say how bad they feel for my brother. I always say, let me tell you some stories and you tell me who you feel sorry for.
Beth is the oldest, and Bobby was born three years later, and two years after that I was born. The next sibling, B.J., was not born until I was 7 so Bobby and I were playmates. Beth was a great sister to me, but she was a little older and usually off with her friends. Although I recently learned from her that she kept me out playing in the snow too long and I got frost bite. But that's a story for her to tell.
Bobby and I got into all sorts of trouble as kids. His fault of course. He always had these bright ideas. Lucky for us, sometimes we wouldn't get caught. Like the time he wanted to see who would hit the ground first after falling from the roof. I don't mean us... and I guess you wouldn't call it falling as much as being dropped. He decided we should take our beloved dog, Tiny, and one of our cats (can't remember it's name) to the roof and drop them. You know, like a race of some kind. My brother never liked school, but I guess he was into experiments. So up we went, him with the dog and me with the cat. We dropped them and I don't even remember what happened after that. Just that I was terrified that Tiny would be hurt and that we'd better hurry up and get off the roof before we got caught. We never told anyone and I'm not sure that my mom even knows to this day. By the way, Tiny and the cat were fine and Tiny lived a good, long life.
Come to think of it, my brother must have really been curious about gravity. Fast forward a few years, and now all but the last sibling has been born. Another light bulb goes off and my creative brother decides it's time to do some more dropping. Only this time it wasn't the roof of a single story house. It was the second floor bedroom window. And it didn't involve pets. No... he had moved on to humans now. Yes, his little sisters. Now, I was too big for him to even try to drop me out of the window so I was given the job of standing outside on the ground and catching them. But before you go and say how stupid we were, at least we had the sense to push a mattress out of the window so just in case I missed them, they would be cushioned as they hit the ground.
One by one, he dropped them, B.J., Barb, and then Brandy who was barely a year old. Were we insane? Probably just Bobby was, but I was a follower and I guess that makes me just as guilty.
My mother heard that story not too long ago, and although they all lived through it, and we are grown adults now, I could still see that look in her eye that she used to get when you were about to get an ass-whooping! We should probably spare her the horrible images, but we can't. It's just too much fun to think of the crazy things we did and got away with.
So it's sharing time again. Please tell. And don't be shy. What could be worse than dropping small animals off of a roof and young children out of window? I'm sure if we ask my brother he can come up with something much worse!
SIS Bren
I wish I had a webcam attached to my computer just so everyone reading this could see my reaction! This is, in every way possible, the funniest thing I've ever read that you should never admit is funny. I should be shocked (I am, actually) but instead I can't help but crack up - maybe it's because there are happy endings all around. I'm having mixed feelings because I want to hear more while telling myself I don't! Great post Brenda, you should become a horror writer!!
Horror? I remember being tossed out that second story window and laughing hysterically while running back up the stairs for my next turn!!! It was a blast and one of my fondest memories from childhood! As for Tiny, we all loved that dog and I'm hoping he wasn't too traumatized!!
Great post, Bren and thanks for bringing back those memories!
SIS Barb
You're right. It should not be funny in any way. But it is, and I'm not sure why. Animal cruelty, child endangerment! Maybe I should tell of the time my brother locked me in the trunk of his car and drove me around for a while before letting me out. If you could meet him now, I don't think you would believe he is the same person. What a great guy!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
SIS Bren
I know you're working right now, but you must take time later to tell of your antics. I know you must have done some crazy things.
SIS Bren
P.S. I promise not to tell Mom.
Ok Bren,
I would like to say that I have a very similar puppy story, unfortunately the outcome was not as pleasant for our puppy. The ass-whoopin we received was very much deserved and definitely NEVER forgotten! (and that’s all I’m gonna say!)
Now the real story….
My upbringing and family are very similar to yours. It is funny to talk with Justen (Barb) because she and I will compare notes and actually have competitions on whose family is more “countrified”. We have always considered ourselves the “original” Dukes of Hazard. I am slightly embarrassed to admit that I started driving myself to school (30 miles away) at the ripe age of 14. We always had five or six cars sitting around in the driveway and it was very simple to find keys and hit the road. I was stopped by, Onie, the town cop numerous times and told to have either my older brother or sister drive the car home or he was gonna call my Ma! Fortunately, I learned very early on to take the back routes to school and was never actually convicted!
Segue here…… Again, I was 14 and my sister was 16. We decided after my father, Pops, had fallen asleep that we would steal his keys for the new rental car that he had brought home that day. Since we had stolen (borrowed) every other car over time, of course we needed to test drive this one. We took it out on all of the country roads that surrounded our house and really “broke” it in! When we were about 5 miles away from home, I thought it would be funny to throw the car in reverse while moving forward at about 40 miles an hour. Well, the car did not find the same humor in it as we did. With much clunking, clanging and grinding, the car came to an immediate stop. My sister then proceeded to give me another well deserved ass-whoopin and then the panic set in. We realized that we could not make the car move forward, and it would only go in reverse. As we pulled down our option screen, we decided against calling our father, calling AAA or the police. The best option was to drive the car home, BACKWARDS. It took us about an hour, but we were able to safely maneuver the car all the way home and put it back in the exact same spot that we had found it. We then replaced the keys in the exact same spot that we had found them and quietly snuck into bed. The next morning we were awoken by Pops shouting on the phone at the rental car company for giving him a lemon, and him telling them to come and get the piece of crap and replace it with something that worked. It was not until just a few years ago that we told him that story of why the car would not run properly the following morning. Much like Brenda’s mother, the look in his eyes was one of disbelief, disappointment, but a twinkle of humor.
Well, Bren,
I could tell of the time(s) that B.J. and I wedged out of the upstairs crank out window. They only opened a small amount and it was the hardest thing to squeeze our bodies through without making any noise. Then we would quietly walk to another section of the roof, just above the basement entrance (had to get to the basement from the outside) so that we could jump to the ground. We placed a large bucket there so that we could climb back up before dawn and sneak back into bed. Where we went...wherever we wanted to. We had others that would pick us up at the bottom of the hill and we would drive around all night or sneak into someone's grandmothers house while she was in Florida so we could play pool.
This happened so many times until...Dad found the bucket and we couldn't come up with a quick enough excuse as to why it was there. Not only were we severely grounded, we also had to get our own switch for out ass-whoopin!
But it was worth every minute of it!!
SIS Barb
Too funny! Doesn't everybody know that you can't throw a car in reverse while driving 40? And if your town officer was named Onie, than you just might be right about being the original "Dukes of Hazzard". I just may have to call you Daisy from now on! Great story! Thanks for sharing.
SIS Bren
Barb, Do you remember how dad stapled a screen to the window so we couldn't sneak out any more.
I also remember stealing beer from dad and then going horseback riding with the neighborhood boys.
Brenda, I rememder having fun being dropped out the window. I could never remember who did the dropping and who did the catching. Thanks for refreshing my memory.
I had forgotten about the screen. I am surprised he stapled it rather than using his tool of choice...duct tape!!!
SIS Barb
Wow. I never realized until now just how boring my childhood was! Of course, I was an only child, so I didn't have anyone to instigate stuff with. *g*
Aw come on Tori, you must have at least one story you could share????!!!
Do tell!
SIS Barb
Man, oh, man. Where was I when all of these shocking events took place? I don't remember ANY of that. Maybe I blocked it out? *g*
I have to say after reading Bren and Barb's adventures, and then Teri's (that was great!), I feel like an uber goody-two-shoes. I was always one of those people who got caught for doing the slightest thing wrong, which, essentially made me a chicken aka boring. Or maybe I did particpate in some questionable derring-do behavior... and blocked it out. *g*
Great post, Bren!
SIS Beth
Man those stories are all great. I was laughing so hard. Wow, i knew about him throwing you guys out the window but never Tiny lol. Glad he got over that by the time I was born.
Don't worry. The world needs people like you, otherwise the corrupt ones like us would take over.
SIS Barb
Oh Michael,
You're dad is so not over that. You can tell by the twinkle in his eyes that he still is scheming and planning his next experiment. Don't let him fool you!
SIS Barb
You were able to stay out of trouble just because you didn't have an older brother to drag you into his schemes!
SIS Bren
Barb is right. I see the twinkle too. I'm guessing he's plotting.
Make sure to read our blog tomorrow!
SIS (aunt)Bren
Indeed, that was funny and scary at the same time. Thanks for sharing!
You are all BUSTED! There is no statute of limitations. - Brooks C., Special Agent of the ASPCA & Protector of Small Children.
Well, since you're all grown up, I can do nothing for you now.
Thanks for the laughs (the nervous kind that you hear during a horror movie).
Hi Brooks!
That was stinkin' hilarious!!!! Please come back and visit us again!
SIS Barb
Beth, sweetie. I hate to break it to you, my dear friend, but you ARE a goody-two-shoes and we love you for it.
Barb & Brenda, I'm horrified and laughing at the same time. You know that old saying, "It's only funny until someone loses an eye"? That's what I thought of when reading the story. If anything bad and unrepairable had happened to the pets, I wouldn't be laughing. I'm glad they're okay. As far as you kids? It reminds me of Stephanie Plum wanting to be Supergirl when she was a kid and jumping off the garage with a sheet as a cape.
Older brothers. I have one. Isn't it amazing that we continue to love them so much when they sometimes do awful things to us in childhood? My brother once tied me to a tree that was infested with small flying bugs and left me there while the insects swarmed around me. I couldn't open my mouth to scream for fear of swallowing a thousand or two. He also introduced me and our girl cousins to a card game called Knuckles. The winner got to use the deck to inflict physical harm to the losers. I believe he drew blood scraping my cousin's arm.
Thank God he grew out of this behavior. He's a fine, upstanding man, loving husband and father and, yes, a terrific, caring brother. We have a great relationship -- in spite of bugs and sharp cards!
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