Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love is in the Air

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here's to love and laughter!

Have any special plans for the day?

SIS Beth, Bren, Barb/Elle, Brandy, and BJ/Aleena


Beth Ciotta said...

Last night Steve and I got a jump start and had a romantic dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant. Well, our fave one with in driving distance. Our VERY fave Thai restaurant is in London. *g*

Tonight it's a movie and champagne at home. Quality time with my husband is what makes Valentine's Day special to me. Oh. And the chocloates he always gves me. :)

SIS Beth

SIS BJ said...

Hi Beth, Sounds great. I will be working all day.


Beth Ciotta said...

Happy Valentine's Day, BJ! You may have to work today, but there's always tonight. *wink*

SIS Beth

Olga said...

Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

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