Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Remember that old Carly Simon song? "Anticipation, anticipation is making me wait." If I were Weird Al Yankovic I would be singing "Procrastination, procrastination is making me late!"
I most assuredly am the Queen of Procrastination!

You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." Martin Luther King, Jr.

I always think ahead. I know what needs to be done and exactly when it needs to happen. I "see the whole stair case"! But somehow, it takes forever for me to take that first step. Everything gets done at the very last minute. Even if I try to get it done way ahead of schedule. It just never seems to work out for me.

When I worked nights singing, I would know that I needed to leave the house by 8:45 to get to work on time. So, knowing that it took me about an hour to get ready, I would hop in the shower at 7:45. It never failed that something would happen during that time, that would without fail, cause me to leave the house later than I wanted. I decided I should start getting ready earlier so that in case anything should arise, I would have adequate time to spare. It didn't matter. I could start getting ready at 6:00 and I would still be rushing out the door!

I could give you many examples. Simply getting organized would be a huge step. Cleaning out the garage, organizing pictures, labeling old video and cassette tapes! It's a huge task, but I should just "take the first step" and before I know it, I will have conquered the "whole staircase".

"If and When were planted, and Nothing grew." Proverb

Right now I know exactly where I want to be in my life. I know my goals, my wants, my needs. I know that I am completely capable of achieving these goals/wants/and needs. I keep thinking that I just don't have enough time to make them happen as quickly as I would like. But is that really my problem? "If" and "When" should never even enter my vocabulary.

"Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried." Author Unknown

"You may delay, but time will not." Benjamin Franklin

I know that I want to finish my book and get it published. I know that I want to have it completed by next summer. Am I going to follow my M.O. and wait until the very last minute to complete. I hope not. I hope I can overcome this illness!

"The greatest amount of wasted time is the time not getting started." Dawson Trotman

"Procrastination is the thief of time." Edward Young

"Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday." Don Marquis

It is so true that so much time is wasted in just getting started. At least for me anyway. Once I get started, there is no stopping me. Well, okay, I have to stop for life. But if I didn't have to do anything but sit here and write...I'd be on Novel 10 by now! I'm glad for life's little interruptions because I pull so much from everyday life, but the point is... once I'm in the zone, I should keep going! Every single day should be a writing day. I should never think "I'll write tomorrow". NOW is the TIME!

"Even if you're on the right track - you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers

Exactly! You have an idea! Go with it! See where it leads you. Don't be inhibited. Don't think that it's a great idea and you'll get to it sometime! ACT NOW! That quote reminds me of a post of Barb's where she had all these new ideas running through her head and didn't know if she should act on them now or save them for later. And then, more recently, a post of Beth's where she talked about new and exciting ideas that she wasn't sure whether or not she should nurture. I say, GO FOR IT! Put it in writing now and don't stop! You can work on other things too, but don't just let these thoughts be idle.

"Procrastination is the fear of success. People procrastinate because they are afraid of the success that they know will result if they move ahead now. Because success is heavy, carries a responsibility with it, it is much easier to procrastinate and live on the "someday I’ll" philosophy." Denis Waitley

Of all the quotes I found on procrastination, this one resonated deep within my soul. For me, I think it just may be true. But then, what does that say about me? I'm not sure, but I do know that when I read this, I had one of Barb's "AHA" moments. Am I afraid of success? I don't know about that, but maybe if the word rejection were substituted for the word success...maybe there's something there. Either way, I think it's sort of a sad excuse for not achieving my goal/ dream/ desire! I know it's not the fear of success, but the fear of failure or rejection that inhibits my writing! NO MORE!
What do I have to lose? What does anyone have to lose? Why do I care if I am rejected? At least I fulfilled my dream of writing a novel. So onward I shall plow! I...will...finish!

I hope that everyone, especially you writers out there, will really take the time to read these quotes and maybe even seek out more of your own. Even though most of them would possibly make you say "DUH" I still think that they warrant some thought. For me anyway, I am so glad that I found them!

SIS Bren


Sisters-in-Sync said...

Good morning QOP,

Great post! So, so true. What's funny to me is while reading this I thought of jotting these quotes down and hanging them on a bulletin board but when I made it to the one about success, I thought, hmmm, that's totally me, for different reasons than you. I am not afraid of rejection. I know its part of the process and to me at least someone took the time to at least skim it. It's their opinion only. I have read some best sellers that didn't do it for me and read others that got bad reviews and loved them. So, rejection I can deal with, success...I'm not so sure and that it something for me to evaluate. My reasons are not solely my own. They have a lot to do with the people around me and that's all I'll say on that subject.

So Queenie, you know that everyday you have to write your SIS post and you get it done--everyday! Why not tell yourself that you have to work on your novel everyday? No matter what, sit down for 10 minutes and work on it and see where it leads you.

This post made me think about not just writing but life in general. Sometimes we all need to take a good look at ourselves and see if we are truly doing all we can to be the person we want/need to be.

SIS Barb

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Hello again,

I just hopped over to Sia's blog. I think you should stop by. Her guest today is Jessa Slade. Her first book was released recently and the story she shares is very interesting.

SIS Barb

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Hi Barb,
You're right. I know I have to write this blog and I get it done. But, guess what? I was up until almost 2:00 writing it. I knew on Sunday exactly what I was going to write about. I had even checked out a couple of quotes. I had time on Sunday and Monday to get it done. But no. I kept saying "later". To be completely honest, I thought about this subject three weeks ago, but just got around to it this week.
I know tomorrow is book day. I should write my book rec now, but first I need my coffee and by the time I make that, I'm sure I'll have found something else to do. And then after that, I'm sure I have something else to do. So I'll be up earlier than I would like to be tomorrow getting my book rec in! HA! Maybe not. Let's see if I can take that first step!

SIS Bren

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Hello again,

And you are so right about rejection. I have also read best sellers that weren't my cup of tea or seen a movie that people have raved about that I didn't personally care for. Maybe it is the success. Success would change so many things in my life. Hmmm. I must ponder this more...maybe later.

SIS Bren

Richard said...

That "fear of success" thing keeps coming up in these posts! The first time, Beth directed it at me as an explanation for my lack of follow-through ... looks like it's a pretty common theme, though. Seems I'll have to give that one more thought ... well, maybe tomorrow:)!

Tori Lennox said...

Great post, Bren!!! But if you're the Queen of Procrastination, I'm at the very least the Princess of the same country. *g*

B.J. said...

Hi Brenda, Great post! I was procrastinating getting Bree's school project started until I read your post. After readind it i made phone calls to area Chambers of Commerce to get info for family trips. She has to do this huge project called Wander Indiana. Thanks for reminding me to get off my butt and getting it started.

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Hi Tori,

Shall we polish our crowns? We should name our country. Do you like the name Laterland or Ifandwhendom better?

SIS Bren

Sisters-in-Sync said...


Maybe later we can both think about when we'd like to get started on thinking about that success thing...

SIS Bren

Sisters-in-Sync said...


I'm so glad I could kick you in the butt. If you ever need it again, just ask, I'd be happy to kick you any time!

SIS Bren

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Dang Bren! You are hilarious. This stuff is cracking me up!

SIS Barb

Sisters-in-Sync said...


So glad I could amuse you!

SIS Bren

Beth Ciotta said...

Fabulous post, Bren! I adore the quotes. I'm big on quotes as motivators.

I don't think I procrastinate. However, I do think I am an overachiever who's consistantly overwhelmed. I take on too much and ultimately things, sometimes LOTS of things, fall through the cracks. Meaning they don't get done. For instance I'm mortified that I haven't mailed out books to contest winners. Something I should have done weeks ago. But between work, multiple deadlines, a conference and a family trip... the days, the WEEKS blurred. Needless to say, that particular project is at the TOP of my list this week.

For someone like me, I think the solution is twofold. Realize my time and energy limits and work more within them plus... strengthen my organizational skills.

I know you can make your goal, Bren. Just tell yourself you're going to go for it then... GO FOR IT!! Try this... As soon as you get up in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, open your word document to your WIP and write for an hour non-stop. No email. No blog. No TV, or laundry or phone calls. Even if you have to get up a little earlier. I find my mind is more fresh, more creative in the morning. If you commit at least an hour of every morning to your manuscript, the pages will start to add up, plus you will have a growng feeling of accomplishment. You can do it!

SIS Beth

Tori Lennox said...

How about Ifandwhendia?

Olga said...

Great quotes! Procrastination is the enemy of accomplishment, but sometimes it's hard for me to make that first step, too.

Sisters-in-Sync said...

Salutations Princess Tori,

And so it was written, and so it shall be! Ifandwhendia it is!

Queen Brenda the Procrastinator

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