Friday, September 3, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Friday, September 3, 2010
A list of my holiday plans...

1) Write blog posts
2) Create and send promo newsletter to my subscribers
3) Work on new proposal until it's done...write, brainstorm, edit, write, edit.

#3 will take the majority of every hour over the next three-four days

If perchance I fnish early or if I severely need a break, I will watch one of the four movies I brought home from the library (hoping for inspirartion). Oh, and of course, I'll squeeze in eating and sleeping.

I don't mind being holed up in my writing room over the holiday.

1) Hurricane Earl is pushing up the coast. Not that we're expecting horrible fallout. But it is grey and gloomy and the forecast is heavy rain and wind. Who wants to be out in that?

2) The sooner I finish this proposal, the sooner my agent can submit it. Currently two editors/houses are waiting to see this particular proposal. Talk about incentive!    

So off I go to write, write, write.

What about you? How are youspending the holiday?


braukes said...

I'm off for a week-long getaway with my husband. Fortunately, the weather has been much more cooperative here in the midwest.
Best wishes with your proposal!

Beth Ciotta said...

Sounds fantastic, Berinn. Anywhere special? Have a blast!!

SIS Beth

SIS BJ said...

Hi Beth

I work most of the weekend. I am happty that it is going to be cool all weekend. Hope you have a blast writing.

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