Saturday, December 4, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Seasons Greetings, all! For those of you checking back, we're still on hiatus. We hope to be return to blogosphere after the first of the year. Please check back for updates. In the meantime we want to wish you all a safe and glorious holiday season. When it comes to gift giving, remember the true meaning of Christmas and perhaps consider a donation to a charity in the names of friends or loved ones.
Wishing you peace and joy!
SIS (plus Krys!)


~Sia McKye~ said...

It was great to see you here and looking forward to your January posts!

Hugs to my favorite sisses!

Author Kelly Moran said...

Hi Elle--love the pic. Too funny.

great post.

I woke up Sunday a.m. to find my blog, my 500 plus followers, my 100plus author interviews, and my 200 plus reviews gone. Blogger gave no explanation, but I think the account was hacked. Change your password often!

I have reloaded the interviews and reviews, plus redesigned the blog. But if you could, please hit the "follow" button so I can reclaim the fellow bloggers I miss. I'm still following you, as my account remained--thank goodness!

Thank you!
Kelly Moran

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